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Morning Announcements

Thursday February 13th It is a “B” Day

Anyone going to disabilities awareness Day with Mrs. McCarthy please meet in front of the LGI at 8:25.

The Positive Action Club will be meeting today in room 1200.

The STEM for Girls Club will be hosting their next meeting today, Thursday, February 13th in room 2711. This meeting is mandatory for students planning to attend the March 5th trip. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Reilly.

Great news! The Junior Class Flower Sale has been extended today for one last day at the School Store only. You can still order red and white silk roses to be delivered for Valentine's Day tomorrow! Make sure you know the class period and classroom when you order today at the School Store only. 

Attention students participating in the Douglass Day in school field trip that will be held  this Friday during period 7-9. Don’t forget your charged chromebook. Please log into the Google Classroom for important information about the field trip. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Bennett or Mrs. Crenshaw.

CALLING ALL STONYBROOK STEP MEMBERS please stop by room 2505 on Friday Feb 14th at 1:45pm  for a STONYBROOK STEP  PHOTO FOR THE YEARBOOK.  Email Patricia Watkins if you have any questions.

HERO, Longwood’s Gay-Straight Alliance, will be hosting its annual “Love Is Love” party this Thursday in room 1506. The google classroom code is listed on the morning announcements. The HERO code is nhavk4j.

CALLING ALL STONYBROOK STEP MEMBERS please stop by room 2505 on Friday Feb 14th at 1:45pm  for a STONYBROOK STEP  PHOTO FOR THE YEARBOOK.  Email Patricia Watkins if you have any questions.

The Literary Club will meet on tomorrow February 13 after school in room 1102. See you all there. Any questions, please see Ms. Galeas and Ms. McCarthy.

Attention all club and activity advisors:
February 14th is the last day to have your club or activity photo taken for the yearbook.  If you still need to do so, see Mrs. Day or Mr. Holschuh.

Attention Seniors: The website is now open for you to order your cap and gown. Please go to your senior google classroom for the link to order. Your cap and gown package includes your cap, gown and tassel. All orders will be shipped to the school in May and given out at Graduation rehearsal in June. Don't wait until the last minute to order. Order today.

Valentine's Day is coming, and with it, the return of the Holiday Gift Emporium.  Bring your Pride Tickets to the Pride Store on Friday February 14 to pick up something nice for someone special in your life.

Attention Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors!!!!  
The ASVAB exam will be given again on March 12th.
The ASVAB is a series of tests that not only determines the type of military jobs that you qualify for but it also helps find careers that are suitable for you!!!  
Please sign up on Naviance.  The deadline to register is on February 28th!!!

The 2025 Longwood High School Local Scholarship application is open and available to be completed!  Last year Longwood Seniors were awarded over $100,000.00 from local businesses and organizations.  
The 2025 Local Scholarship can be found on your Naviance account, go to "About Me," then "Surveys from your school." Applications will be open from January 13th through March 7th, 2025.